Buckwheat and Rye Bread

Ingredients: Wheat flour, rye flour (20%), buckwheat flour (8%), rye bran (3%), drinking water, baker’s yeast, wheat gluten, rye sourdough, roasted wheat malt, refined salt, emulsifier (fatty acids). diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono and diglycerides), Antioxidant (ascorbic acid), Enzyme (fungal alpha amylase) preservatives (Calcium propionate, sorbic acid)
Allergen warning: Contains wheat gluten. May contain traces of sesame and broad bean flour. No sugar is added to Untad Buckwheat Rye Bread. Sugars in nutrients are the amount of sugar naturally contained.

Nutritional values(100 Gr.)

Energy (kcal) 245
Carbohdyrate (g) 49,8
Protein (g) 10,2
Oil (g) 0,8
Fiber (g) 8,1
Salt (g) 1,4
Sugar (g) 4,4
